Lois Rudnick
1 min readJul 7, 2021


Lois K Rudnick


The Egyptians knew no arch, but it was there, perhaps in the curve of a cockleshell, or the bell of a lily.

The Greeks had no flying buttress, but there it was in the branch of the olive tree outside the temple.

The Victorians had no electricity but it was there beyond the gaslights’ glow.

Our observations lag behind our reality and pure knowledge of what could be and is. Nothing is ever new.

As our grasp exceeds our reach, so does this vast pot boil and bubble with the rhymes of all the poets, the dancers’ extensions, the words of politicians, the music of Brahms, Beethoven, and the clash of ideas.

All is out there then and now and in the future.

Where does the future begin and the past end

Where is the moral dimension? Are we witnesses or do we engage?

Is ours a responsibility or a cloak put upon us?


Oh that we could tap the roiling reservoir, and see with the eyes of the ancients, hear with the ears of philosophers, touch the skin of all the freshly bathed infants, sniff the air of wildflowers and rain soaked woods.

As the force field enfolds ultimate truth and fiction, may we uncover the improbable and unknowable mysteries and enrich our world.

And then remember that Art, all knowing, makes order out of chaos. Then, now and forever.

